
The Full Story
Our story is simple, after working 40-60 hours a week for someone else or being in business and having to be available 24 hours a day and some weeks you make money some you don't. You are dealing with employees. We decided to trade all that based on what you see below. This is one of my dreams. My other Dream is helping you to Live the Dream!

So, My Dream is to find that peaceful spot, one that is remote but close enough to enjoy the little things. Have an internet connection so I can run my business from anywhere in the world, and send postcards to family and friends. It's a sacrifice !! A BIG ONE.! Leaving Russ Hour Traffic, Working for someone who doesn't appreciate your effort
Another sacrifice is traveling around the world and having fun making mailbox money. That's The Hardest.

You see it's not just about you, see this little boy and how close his father is to him. Well, That's how close you are to achieving your dream, First you have to see it, then you have to follow the lead. That's what I want for you.
We want to teach you, teach you to teach, set new goals and dreams, and be with other like-minded people.